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Other Vitamins

By: Sharon Edge - Updated: 28 Sep 2015 | comments*Discuss
Vitamins vitamin A vitamin B1 vitamin

Most of us have heard about the big health benefits of vitamin C and maybe the skin nourishing properties of vitamin E. But what about all the other vitamins that scientists are currently aware of? What do they all do?

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant vitamin so it works hard destroying the cell-damaging free radicals in your body, helping to keep you looking and feeling young. It’s essential for vision, skin and a healthy immune system. Vitamin A is found in liver and dairy products. There isn’t actually any vitamin A in carrots, but along with other yellow and orange vegetables, carrots contain beta-carotene, which your body can turn into vitamin A.

B Vitamins

Scientists used to think there was just one vitamin known as B, but now we now there are lots of them. You can find the important B vitamins in all sorts of foods, many of which you’ll eat regularly as part of your everyday diet.
  • Vitamin B1 is good for your heart and nervous system, and you’ll find plenty in whole grains, flour and bread and many meats
  • Vitamin B2 is good for growing bodies and essential in helping your body release energy from food. Its in eggs, liver and green vegetables
  • Vitamin B3 is important in building the structure of the skin. Its in bread, liver and yeast extract
  • Vitamin B5 is essential for the production of red bloods cells in your body. You can get your supply from chicken, eggs, beef, broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes
  • Vitamin B6 is necessary for a healthy nervous system and blood function. You’ll be eating up plenty when you go for fish, chicken, or eggs
  • Vitamin B12 helps you release energy from food and is important for the production of red blood cells. Its in fish, dairy produce, meat and yeast extract

Vitamin D

You need vitamin D in order to absorb calcium – an essential for teeth and bones. Your body can manufacture vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, but you’ll also find it in oily fish, dairy products and eggs. If you are housebound, or if your cultural tradition means your body is totally covered whenever you go outside, it might be a good idea to take a vitamin D supplement as you’re not seeing much sunshine. Alternatively, bump up your intake of oily fish and eggs. Ask a health professional for advice if you’re not sure.

Vitamin K

Not the most well known vitamin on the block, but a key player for supporting normal blood clotting and the development of bone structure. You’ll be eating vitamin K when you choose spinach and other leafy green vegetables.

Getting Enough Vitamins in Your Diet

As you can see there are plenty of vitamins that we need to eat every day. The ideal way to get all your essential vitamins is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Try to eat lots of different food groups – like meats, fish, grains, dairy and certainly include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. But these days many of us find we tend to eat on the run rather too often, or we find it difficult to eat a healthy, balanced diet. If this sounds like you, or if you have particular health concern – taking vitamin supplements could be helpful.

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