Vitamins & Your Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Vitamins & Your Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can a Vitamin D Deficiency Lead to Diabetes?
Initial studies carried out to determine the role of vitamin D and what happens during a deficiency have shown that there may be a link between a deficiency and the…...

Can Vitamin D Prevent Dementia?
Dementia is a disease of older people, and symptoms include confusion, memory loss, distress, depression, and in some cases, psychosis. Researchers are looking at the…...

Can Vitamin Supplements Damage Your Health?
Research has suggested that taking a high level of supplementary vitamins and minerals may actually damage health instead of benefiting it as many consumers believe....

Can Vitamins Prevent Cancer?
There have been a lot of clinical studies looking at the effects of vitamins and cancer. The results can seem to be rather confusing, but it seems that some vitamins…...

Can Vitamins Prevent Colds?
In the 1970s, a scientist called Linus Pauling published a number of books about vitamin C, raising the theory that very high doses (megadoses) of vitamin C can…...

Do You Need More Vitamins When You Are Ill?
Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important when people are ill. Taking drugs when ill can also affect the levels of vitamins that people's bodies need....

Essential Vitamins For Winter Health
A summary of the benefits of vitamins in winter and how vitamins boost the immune system and improve winter health...

Folic Acid-Why Do We Need It & Where is it Found?
Folic acid is a naturally occuring vitamin that is important for healthy cell production and maintenance. It is also extremely important in the early stages of…...

Preventing Anaemia
Anaemia is caused because of a lack of red blood cells. This deficiency may be caused by dietary factors, bleeding or because of certain immune system illnesses....

The Role of Vitamins and Rickets
Caused by a deficiency of vitamin D and to a lesser degree calcium, rickets can be easily avoided by having small amounts of exposure to natural day light along with…...

The Role of Vitamins and Scurvy
Most of us are aware of the importance of vitmains and minerals and their role in preventing illness and disease caused by deficiency....

Vitamin B6 and PMS
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS - also know as Premenstrual Tension or PMT) is a set of symptoms that occur in the week or two leading up to menstruation. Vitamin B6 may…...

Vitamin E Rich Diet: Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's?
Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia, and leads to increasing levels of confusion and memory loss. Studies have shown that diets rich in vitamin E, may reduce the…...

Vitamins and Your Eyes
A summary of the way antioxidant vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E work to protect our eyes, eyesight and vision....

Vitamins and Your Hair
A summary of which vitamins are good for the health and appearance of hair, and for battling hair loss, baldness and greying of the hair....

Vitamins and Your Heart
A summary of which vitamins help to maintain a healthy heart, including vitamins B6 and B12, vitamin C and vitamin E....

Vitamins and Your Skin
A summary of which vitamins are good for the skin, vitamins in beauty products and anti-ageing products and traditional beauty methods and vitamins....

Vitamins for Stronger Teeth and Bones
Vitamins A, C, D and K are all essential for the formation of strong teeth and bones in children, and to keep teeth and bones healthy in adults....

What a Vitamin Deficiency Can Mean to Your Health
Vitamin deficiency can lead to some very unpleasant illnesses and disorders or may put you at risk of developing serious diseases. It can also contribute to poor…...

What are Superfruits?
Due to their high content of anti-oxidants and vitamins, superfruits are now being more widely consumed and are more easily available....

What is an RDA?
What RDA, or recommended daily allowance, means including what happens if you exceed the RDA of certain vitamins....